nLab semiseparated scheme

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An algebraic scheme is semiseparated if it has a basis of topology by affine open subsets which is closed under finite intersections.

A cover {U i} iI\{U_i\}_{i\in I} of a scheme by affine open subsets is semiseparated (also spelled semi-separated, some say semiseparating or semi-separating) if U iU jU_i\cap U_j is also affine for every pair (i,j)I×I(i,j)\in I\times I.

A scheme is semiseparated iff it has an affine cover which is semiseparated.


An open subset of a semiseparated scheme is semiseparated.


The notion is explained in

  • Thomason, Trobaugh, in Grothendieck Festschrift 1989

A very short exposition is at the end of

Last revised on August 24, 2024 at 09:02:44. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.